
HK$400 (0.5 小时)(普通话版)


  • 简介及背景資料
  • 从事金融行业人士面對的法律和道德操守问题
  • 案例探究与分析 
  • 管理层遇到的道德操守问题 - 解决方案
  • 廉政公署提供的咨询及协助
  • 实践建议

此培训大部分内容参考「财经有道 - 证券、期货及投资界专业道德实务指引」由證券、期貨及投資界專業道德推廣計劃合辦機構聯合出版, 此培训可提高证监会持牌人对防止贿赂的认识,特别有助新证监会持牌人作出良好及稳健的专业判断,以确保遵守《防止贿赂条例》。


To complete the training, you are required to answer 5 questions in the Assessment Test at the end of the training and have 3 questions answered correctly.  Prior to taking the Assessment Test, you must watch the entire training video. Failure to do so may lead to cancellation of your Certificate of Completion. 

**Please note that you are required to create an account with Thinkific, our Learning Management platform. Your Certificate of Completion will be issued using the name used to create the account. Therefore, please ensure that your official name is used when creating the account on Thinkific.**

For any queries, please email us at [email protected]. Thank you.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    A Practical Ethical Guide for Financial Practitioners in the Finance Industry (CHINESE VERSION)
    • Step 1: Watch the Training Video
    • Step 2: Take Online Assessment (Passing Grade: 60%)(Answered 3 questions correctly out of 5 questions)
    • Step 3: Download your certificate