打击洗钱及恐怖分子资金筹集指引 (虚拟资产服务提供者)
Now you can attend your CPT training online anytime anywhere and even on your smartphone or tablet! (IMPORTANT : Please read our "Sign Up Instructions" above before you sign up)
在2023年6月1日,香港證監會更新了打擊洗錢,和恐怖分子資金籌集的指引,其中增加了關於虛擬資產的單獨章節, 此培训概述香港打击洗钱及恐怖分子资金筹集指引 (虚拟资产服务提供者)内的要求.
1. 介紹
2. 風險為本的方法
3. 客戶盡職審查
4. 虛擬資產轉帳
5. 第三者存款和付款
培训结束时您需要完成一个评估测试, 测试内共有10条问题, 正确回答6条问题。在进行评估测试之前,您必须完成整个训练, 否则可能导致您的培训证书无效。
To complete the training, you are required to answer 10 questions in the Assessment Test at the end of the training and have 6 questions answered correctly. Prior to taking the Assessment Test, you must watch the entire training video. Failure to do so may lead to cancellation of your Certificate of Completion.
**Please note that you are required to create an account with Thinkific, our Learning Management platform. Your Certificate of Completion will be issued using the name used to create the account. Therefore, please ensure that your official name is used when creating the account on Thinkific.**
For any queries, please email us at [email protected]. Thank you.